Neighbourhoods and housing
Our region is a mix of coastal living and a relaxed, productive and rural lifestyle.
In this section
The settlement pattern of the Sunshine Coast is a mix of vibrant coastal living and a relaxed, productive and rural lifestyle.
Where we live, what facilities and services are in our neighbourhood and the lifestyle we lead are important to both community and personal wellbeing.
Self-contained neighborhoods with easy access to essential services and affordable options for sport, recreation and community participation contributes to easing of cost of living pressures and can facilitate inclusive communities.
The majority of us reside in low density houses located along the coastal strip with access to employment, activity centres, shops, schools and sport and recreation facilities.
New communities are also emerging in the coastal strip, generally these houses are being built on smaller lots and have a strong focus on walkability.
The hinterland and rural towns provide a rural lifestyle serviced by central activity hubs and villages.
There is a strong sense of community across this diverse mix of neighbourhoods and towns that gives the Sunshine Coast its identity.
Developing houses and neighbourhoods that promote and provide a diversity of affordable and sustainable living options for all members of our community is our goal.
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Social infrastructure
Social infrastructure is our spaces, places and services that support the community.
Sustainable living
Sustainable living is a lifestyle that leaves little impact on the environment.