Art Gallery, Caloundra

Caloundra Regional Gallery

Art Gallery, Caloundra

Social infrastructure

These statements are our policy positions. They give a clear direction of council's intent.

8.1 The social infrastructure network is equitable and accessible to meet the needs of existing and future communities:

    a) Places and spaces cater for a wide and diverse range of activities to support community wellbeing.

    b) Land and resources are used efficiently and balance the needs of existing and emerging communities.

    c) Land to support the network is appropriately located and is retained for community purposes for future generations.

    d) Social infrastructure is multipurpose, flexible and adaptable to changing needs.

    e) The network is resilient, viable and utilises smart technology and principles of sustainable design.

8.2 Strong partnerships and collaboration deliver an integrated and complementary network:

    a) Local history and cultural heritage values are conserved and enhanced.

    b) Economic development and investment opportunities are leveraged to achieve viable community outcomes.

    c) Co-location with compatible uses and the sharing of spaces and resources increases activity and reduces cost.

    d) Access to a diverse range of facilities to meet community needs is complemented through partnerships.

8.3 Social infrastructure facilitates inclusive communities and strengthens cultural heritage, local character and identity:

    a) Social infrastructure is inclusive, welcoming and affordable.

    b) Infrastructure contributes to the health, safety and resilience of our communities.

    c) Community spaces provide a focal point for community participation and activation, contributing to a sense of place and vibrancy.

    d) Local history, character and identity is reflected and celebrated through the network.

For technical detail and planning directions for this theme, please read the Environment and Liveability Strategy Part C - Network Plan (PDF, 14916KB).