Hinterland Farmview Photo credit: B. Delamotte
Landscape and character
These statements are our policy positions. They give a clear direction of council's intent.
In this section
1.1 The distinctive and diverse landscape is preserved to maintain the beauty of the area:
a) The landscape is retained and continues to underpin the character of the Sunshine Coast.
b) The urban form is contained within the defined urban footprint.
c) The natural landscape remains intact, undiminished and protected from development that is incompatible with its values.
d) Prominent natural landscape features are protected and celebrated.
e) Dark skies are recognised, protected and celebrated.
1.2 The landscape, character and heritage values retain the unique identity of the area:
a) The natural, cultural, spiritual and heritage values of the landscape are recognised and preserved.
b) The Sunshine Coast’s character, heritage and identity are strengthened to remain distinctive.
c) The local character and identity of neighbourhoods, towns and rural communities are recognised and reflected in our future.
d) Connections of Aboriginal Traditional Owners to the landscape and their role as traditional custodians are recognised and respected.
1.3 The visual amenity and community view lines are preserved and enhanced:
a) The renowned and varied views and vistas fundamental to the attractiveness of the region are preserved.
b) Local community views creating a sense of community identity and place are recognised and respected.
c) The Regional Inter-urban Break and Sub-regional Inter-urban Breaks are maintained and enhanced.
d) Emerging urban form complements the landscape and character of the Sunshine Coast.