Frog, Belli Park Photo credit: L. Delanoue
These statements are our policy positions. They give a clear direction of council's intent.
In this section
2.1 Natural ecosystems and the native plants and animals they support are preserved:
a) Habitat areas are ecologically functional and well-connected.
b) Ecological functionality of habitat areas is maintained under changing environmental conditions.
c) Viable populations of native plants and animals are maintained.
d) Vegetation community diversity is maintained.
e) Core and connecting habitat areas are protected.
f) Habitat extent and condition (composition, structure and function) is maintained.
g) Remnant vegetation is protected.
2.2 Priority habitat areas are protected, enhanced, connected and responsive to changing environmental conditions:
a) An expanded conservation estate increases protection and connectivity.
b) Rehabilitated and restored strategic corridors enable fauna movement, gene flow and species and habitat migration.
c) Animal movement between priority habitat areas is maintained or facilitated.
d) Strategic management of invasive plants and animals reduces impacts on native bushland and wildlife.
e) Habitat extent, composition, structure and function are improved.
f) Biodiversity conservation incorporates the predicted impacts from climate change and natural hazards.
g) Strong partnerships and collaboration deliver biodiversity conservation outcomes.
h) The conservation estate is protected from fragmentation and encroachment.
2.3 Biodiversity is valued, respected and used sustainably to support our lifestyle, livelihoods and sense of place:
a) Biodiversity values and ecosystem services are appreciated by the community to ensure ongoing support for preservation.
b) Cultural heritage associated with biodiversity is preserved, promoted and celebrated.
c) Recreational activities and supporting infrastructure in or near conservation areas minimise impacts on biodiversity values.
d) Commercial activities complement the biodiversity values and contribute to the economy.
e) Industries are appropriately located and implement best practice to minimise impacts on biodiversity.
f) Offsets are required for unavoidable clearance of native vegetation.
For technical detail and planning directions for this theme, please read the Environment and Liveability Strategy Part C - Network Plan (PDF, 14916KB).