
Solar panels Photo credit: D. Hayward


Energy and resources

These statements are our policy positions. They give a clear direction of council's intent.

10.1 Energy and resource usage are transformed to minimise emissions and maximise environmental, social and financial benefits:

    a) Emissions and air pollutants are minimised and residual greenhouse gas emissions managed to mitigate climate risk.

    b) Renewable energy usage is maximised and underpins a transition to a clean energy future.

    c) Consumption of energy and resources is minimised and managed to reduce costs, waste generation and environmental impacts.

    d) Innovative solutions and technologies are tested and adopted to achieve energy, waste and resource efficiencies and to grow the economy.

10.2 Waste Management adopts leading global best practices to maximise resource recovery, reduce waste and deliver low emission and circular economy outcomes:

    a) New models, infrastructure and partnerships maximise resource recovery to support and grow a circular economy and emerging and complementary industries.

    b) Innovative waste management solutions, processes and technologies are investigated, and adopted where feasible to support waste and emissions reduction and energy generation optimisation.

    c) Regional waste management solutions are identified and delivered through government and industry partnerships and collaboration.

    d) Waste management assets, operational and procurement activities are designed, managed and delivered to minimise climate risks and avoid service disruptions.

    e) Community and business collaboration through waste education, behaviour change and action support waste reduction and circular economy outcomes.

10.3 Essential resources and systems are secure and resilient to change:

    a) Agricultural and food production areas are protected and effectively managed, enabling an adaptive and flexible local food supply.

    b) Resources and services are sustainably produced and sourced locally to support self-sufficiency and containment.

    c) Disruptions to energy, water and waste assets from climate risks are minimised.

    d) Energy and resource security, including business continuity is provided through a diversity of centralised and decentralised systems and informed by climate risk reduction.