

Upgraded Nambour Splash Park opens

Your water wonderland awaits.

In January 2022, council welcomed the addition of a new $2.7 million water/splash park and upgraded carpark in Nambour. The upgrade delivered two water slides and a children's zero depth splash zone (a water play area which includes two toddler slides), along with 30 new car parks.

The upgrade is part of the social infrastructure network being planned through council's Environment and Liveability Strategy, which ensures equitable access to a range of experiences to encourage active and healthy lifestyles and supports community wellbeing. By strategically providing and upgrading facilities, guided by the Strategy, council is securing and activating space for future generations, and encouraging active recreation opportunities.

This regional level strategy sets a vision for where we would like to be in 2041, and provides guidance for council and the community to achieve this vision. The strategy focuses on the preservation and enhancement of the natural environment and the liveability of the region, enabling a good quality of life for all residents and supporting a strong economy in an accessible and well-connected built environment.

The opening of the upgraded Nambour water/splash park marks the next step in delivering the ELS Transformational Action of 'Great places and spaces' whereby in partnership with industry and community, council develops a network of contemporary places and spaces that provide and support opportunities for creative, community and active experiences, maintaining a healthy environment and liveable Sunshine Coast in 2041 for future generations.

The delivery of the upgraded aquatic facility was made possible through a partnership with the Queensland Government and lessee Belgravia Leisure.

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