Caloundra Library

Caloundra’s future library is one step closer
New chapter for council’s administration building.
Redevelopment work to transform Council’s Caloundra administration building in Omrah Avenue into an integrated community facility with a contemporary district library and meeting spaces is well underway. The new Library+ building is part of the Caloundra Centre Activation Project which focuses on the revitalisation of the Caloundra centre.
The contemporary Library+ building will replace the existing Library in Felicity Park and will contribute to the ongoing vitality of Caloundra, delivering significant social, community and economic benefits, supporting educational and creative development of our region. The three-storey building will include a contemporary district library, a customer service centre, community spaces, Council administration and councillor offices.
Council’s Environment and Liveability Strategy 2017 and Sunshine Coast Libraries Network Plan 2019-2041 identified the need for a significant upgrade to the existing Caloundra Library and a need for bookable community spaces.
In line with the strategy’s aspiration sustainability targets, the project aims to reuse or recycle up to 90 percent of all construction waste. Steel, copper, glass, plasterboard, ceiling tiles, concrete and soil, are being returned to the circular economy for reuse, resale, and recycling towards other construction projects. Library+ at Caloundra has a minimum 5-Star Green Star Design and As Built accreditation target.
Additionally, council has traded much of the furniture located at the Caloundra administration building through the use of online marketplace-style ASPIRE platform, giving it new purpose. Previously the furniture was destined for landfill.
Library+ at Caloundra, located in the heart of the Community and Creative Hub, will provide integrated spaces for all the community. This Hub, envisioned by the Caloundra Centre Master Plan will connect Library+, the Events Centre, the proposed new Regional Gallery, and a new Town Square through to Bulcock Street and Felicity Park.