Jennifer Oliphant Photographer
Amazing maze of machinery
Inside our recycling wonder
A fascinating new video series is set to take us on a journey of a different kind to learn why putting the right thing in the bin matters and how it can be given a new life thanks to nation-leading technology.
The educational videos, aimed at improving our precious environment as well as people’s safety, are up on Sunshine Coast Council’s YouTube channel or can be seen by searching “Recycling” on Council’s website.
Follow along as guides Chloe, Grace and Garth go on a behind-the-scenes tour of the recycling process at Sunshine Coast Council’s hi-tech Nambour Material Recovery Facility (MRF). The groundbreaking MRF is where all the recyclables from our region’s yellow lid bin go to be sorted and separated into their different material types.
In the first video, Chloe and Grace follow the journey the recyclable materials - like steel cans, aluminium cans, glass bottles and jars, plastic containers, paper and cardboard - take from your home to the recycling plant. In the second video, Garth and Chloe share what it takes to run the MRF and why it’s important to keep dangerous items out of the recycling bin so it’s safe for our workers.
Recycling correctly helps our MRF staff do their job and makes sure our region’s recyclables are given their best chance of being repurposed. Everyone can make a difference just by putting the right thing in the right bin at home.
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